Schafer Electric Services, Inc

Is It Time To Call a Professional Residential Electrician?

time to hire an electrician

Scared woman dealing with a broken burning appliance at home

4 Times to Call a Residential Electrician to Service Your Bay Area Home 

Being handy around the house is a great way to instill a sense of accomplishment, gain a little knowledge, and save a few bucks on repair costs. However, when dealing with anything that involves your home’s electrical system, DIY repairs can end up costing you more than just money. From smoke detector wiring, to full electrical installation for a bathroom remodel, ensuring your home has safe and reliable power is exactly what our licensed residential electricians do at Schaefer Electric. Below we have outlined four times you should call a professional residential electrician to service your Sonoma County home. 

1. Contact a Professional Electrician When Upgrading Outdated Electrical Systems 

Older homes without updated electrical wiring may not be able to handle the electrical loads modern electronics require. Even homes as recent as 10 to 15 years old could have outdated wiring that may overload circuits. 

Signs your home’s wiring may be outdated include:  

Local residential electrical codes are updated every three years, which may sound impossible to keep up with, but these changes help ensure your home and family are safe. If your home hasn’t been inspected in over three years, or you are experiencing signs of outdated wiring, contact a professional electrician as soon as possible. Our technicians at Schafer Electric are available for full electrical inspections and installation today!  

2. Electrical Installation for Backyard Renovation Projects 

Outdoor environments can be a dangerous place to work with electricity due to the higher chance of water being present. Water is a prime electricity conductor which greatly increases the shock risk when working with electricity.

If you are planning on running electrical wires outside for new landscape lighting, bringing electricity to an outdoor shed, or installing a new hot tub or pool, always consult a professional residential electrician. Experts like the Schafer Electric team understand how to protect electrical lines and wires from the elements long-term to keep your family safe. 

3. Electrical Installation During a Remodel 

If you’re looking to install a light fixture, ceiling fan, or power outlet in your home, new electrical lines will need to be run complete with the proper infrastructure. 

Outlets located in locations with a high concentration of water, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor areas, require ground-fault-circuit interrupter, or GFCI, features. These protect you from electrocution in the case of a ground-fault. These are required to remain compliant with state and local electrical codes.

Ceiling fans require special electrical boxes, wiring, and structural supports to keep it stable. If incorrectly installed, the fan’s movement and weight can cause the entire unit to sway, wobble, or even fall.

Certified home electricians are trained in understanding the power and structural needs of running new electrical wires throughout your home. Improper wiring could lead to fires, electrocution, and overloading the circuit which will continually trip your breaker. With the help of electrical experts like Schafer Electric you’ll be able to have peace of mind that the electrical installation is done safely and correctly.

4. Talk to A Professional When Installing A Standby Generator

To combat power issues and reduce the risk of wildfires, the northern Bay Area is prone to annual PG&E power outages. Many homeowners and businesses throughout these areas have since turned to installing standby generators to ensure their power remains on. Outages can last for multiple days, leaving you without household basics such as your appliances, lights, air conditioners, or even medical life-support systems. In the event of a power outage a standby generator automatically switches on restoring your home’s electricity.

If your home already has a standby backup generator, or you are looking to invest in one before the next planned PG&E shut offs, the residential electricians at Shafer Electric are here to help. Our team can help determine the best type of residential generator for your home, usage requirements, and budget. We also provide annual maintenance inspections, servicing, and emergency support to ensure your residential standby generator is always ready to run when you need it most.

Contact the Professional Residential Electrician at Schafer Electric to Service Your Northern Bay Area Home 

Safety is an essential step when considering electrical changes and updates to your home or business. Contact Schafer Electric’s residential electricians for a free estimate for all your electrical needs. 

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